Atlantic Rim Ft. Tropical Mary

Atlantic Rim

Year of Release: 2013
Genre: Action / Sci-Fi
IMDB Rating: 3 / 10
Level of Awful: Medium
Breast-O-Meter: 0 /5


If I’m being totally honest, after AE: Apocalypse Earth, I was feeling a little fragile. My inner sci-fi geek can take a lot, but that movie gave me a fair beating. Nevertheless, I’m not one to turn down an epic mockbuster, and Atlantic Rim was just too great an opportunity to pass up. So, with Tropical Mary, Stygian Mole, The Occult Specialist, and our new friend Ms Misery in attendance, we sat down to watch this movie. My my my my my. I don’t know anything about Pacific Rim, so this movie had to sell me with only what it had to offer. What might that be, you ask? Well, it has the usual terrible CGI, atrocious acting and cheap sets that one would expect from an Asylum production, but it also has some of the most ADD-ridden editing I’ve ever seen in a film. I know it’s sci-fi, but good God not everything can teleport that quickly! Needless to say, though, this movie is a ton of fun, although I would recommend watching it on the tail-end of a movie night so you have the benefit of mild delirium to cover up some of its not-so-great moments.

Not conspicuous enough!

Not conspicuous enough!

Deep at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean lurks one of mankind’s greatest threats: giant amphibious dinosaurs with backwards knees! No seriously, how these things can walk is a marvel in itself. No one knows where they’ve come from or how they’ve managed to survive down there for so long without any of us noticing, but they’re about to start wreaking all kinds of havoc. The first sign of their existence that we experience is when one of them, with no provocation and unknown intent, leaps up from the sea floor to destroy an oil rig. Apart from a quick and somewhat greasy lunch we don’t know why they are suddenly deciding to attack now, and no one back on land knows what happened to the oil rig / ate its crew, so it’s up to the military to fall back on some half-baked, untested battle plan to solve this maritime mystery.

An epic battle deserves epic Asylum product placement.

An epic battle deserves epic Asylum product placement!

The plan? Send 3 gigantic robots worth $500 billion down to the ocean floor to see where the hell the oil rig went and what the hell may have dragged it down there. These robots will be piloted by the best pilots the program’s remaining $15 worth of budget could find. Decked out in what appear to be wetsuits held together by pieces of coloured duct tape, White Douche, Token Black Guy (aka TYREESE!) and Generic Blonde descend to the bottom of the Atlantic to check things out. The mission is plagued with problems – the control room in the bots becomes sweltering after descending more than 3 feet into the ocean, they’re controlled using what appears to be joysticks from old arcade machines, and they tend to shut down at random (this, for some reason, also sucks all of the available oxygen out of the robot’s interior), so it’s all rather slow going. Oh yeah, and there’s that giant monster floating in the background trying to eat them.

The movie's token stroke victim.

The movie’s token stroke victim.

The violence quickly escalates from this point – the monster appears on land, we’re treated to half-a-dozen shots of the monster looped and mirrored maybe 20 times, and suddenly there are dead people everywhere. Why? We’re not really sure. Now, it becomes obvious that the American Government can’t just allow these beasts to run around Manhattan, but the team’s divided. Admiral Hadley, the head of some-or-other division, throws his full support behind the robots. The opposing faction, headed up by a man with an eye-patch whose speech patterns clearly indicate that he has recently recovered from a stroke, proposes nuking the monsters (although the word, when he says it, ranges anywhere from ‘puke the monsters’ to ‘fluke the monsters’). With these two factions at war, Generic Blonde and TYREESE! being innately useless, White Douche being super douchey, and the robots themselves leaving a bit to be desired, does mankind really stand a chance against these backward-kneed behemoths? Watch and be completely whelmed by the whole experience!


  • It is possible for oil rigs to become dislodged from their bases, float around in the ocean, and crash into Iraq.
  • You should always wear self-tan to a review board meeting.
  • The best mankind-protecting-robot is one that’s commanded by someone with a lot of experience in Tae Bo.
  • Every secret military base should be equipped with at least 100 horns.
  • The more squint the monster, the greater the threat it poses to us all.
  • No matter what the emergency,  a woman’s eye-shadow should always be unfaltering.
  • Nothing says ‘time for a drink’ more than blowing up $500 billion worth of military equipment.


Posted on July 11, 2013, in Awful Level: Medium and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 14 Comments.

  1. Do you think Del Toro knows about this?

  2. CANNOT WAIT TO SEE THIS!!! Eventually I will have time!!

    • Sweety, you have to make time. Only you can find the time to watch backward-kneed monsters take over the world.

      • I know, I know. I truly know that. I try. *sighs* Thanks for the words of wisdom, Sensei James.

      • It’s alright. We all lose our way sometimes, and think that the pursuit of things like a social life, inner happiness, and a career, trump watching awful movies. So long as you have that one person to put you back on the path of truth, everything will be fine.

  3. Must watch this movie. It’s excellent.

  4. It was truly majestic!

  5. I watched
    Atlantic Rim is terrible – 1/10

    My last sci-fi film HHalo 4: Forward Unto Dawn – 8/10

    • Atlantic Rim is terrible. That’s why I watched it 🙂

      I’ve never played any of the Halo games, so I imagine the movie would have been lost on me.

  6. Just watched it. Hated the ending.

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